PAN1080 Peripheral API
Macros | Functions
pan_pri_rf.h File Reference

Panchip series pri_rf driver header file. More...

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#define PRI_RF_MODE_SEL_TX   (0)
#define PRI_RF_MODE_SEL_RX   (1)
#define PRI_RF_MODE_SEL_TRX   (2)
#define PRI_RF_ADDR_BYTE_LEN_3   (1)
#define PRI_RF_ADDR_BYTE_LEN_4   (2)
#define PRI_RF_ADDR_BYTE_LEN_5   (3)
#define PRI_RF_CHIP_MODE_BLE   (1)
#define PRI_RF_CHIP_MODE_297   (2)
#define REG_FILE_OFST   0x0000
#define SEQ_RAM_OFST   0x1000
#define LIST_RAM_OFST   0x8000
#define TX_RX_RAM_OFST   0x8200
#define CTE_IQ_RAM_OFST   0xB7FC
#define LLHWC_READ32_REG(base_addr, reg_ofst)    (*(volatile uint32_t *)((0x50020000) + (base_addr) + (reg_ofst)))
 Read 32 bit register value. More...
#define LLHWC_WRITE32_REG(base_addr, reg_ofst, data)    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(((0x50020000) + (base_addr) + (reg_ofst))) = (data))
 Write value to 32 bit register. More...
#define READ_4_BYTES(pckt, pos)
 Read 4 byte with byte read mode. More...
#define PRI_RF_WRITE_REG_VALUE(base, Reg, Func, Value)    (base->Reg = (base->Reg & ~(Reg##_##Func##_Msk)) | ((Value << Reg##_##Func##_Pos) & Reg##_##Func##_Msk))
 Write value to register. More...
#define PRI_RF_READ_REG_VALUE(base, Reg, Func)    ((base->Reg & (Reg##_##Func##_Msk)) >> Reg##_##Func##_Pos)
 Read value to register. More...
#define PRI_RF_SET_FUNC_ENABLE(base, Reg, Func, State)    ((State == ENABLE) ? (base->Reg |= Reg##_##Func##_Msk) : (base->Reg &= ~Reg##_##Func##_Msk))
 Set function according to state. More...


__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_AutoAnlsPayloadEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable or disable auto analysis payload function. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_CrcCheckEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable or disable crc check function. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_Crc16Select (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function select crc check mode. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_ScambleEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable or disable scamble function. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_NordicEnhanceEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable or disable enhance mode2(compatible with nordic) More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t PRI_RF_IsNordicEnhance (PRI_RF_T *rf)
 This function used to adjuest enhance mode2 enable or not. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_EnhanceEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable or disable enhance mode. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t PRI_RF_IsEnhance (PRI_RF_T *rf)
 This function used to adjuest enhance mode is enable or not. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_BandWidth2mSel (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to set band width, 1Mbps or 2Mbps can selected. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_ChipModeSel (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint8_t modeSel)
 This function used to select chip mode. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t PRI_RF_GetChipMode (PRI_RF_T *rf)
 This function used to get chip mode. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_RxAckEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable or disable rx ack if rx with payload. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t PRI_RF_IsRxAckEn (PRI_RF_T *rf)
 This function used to adjust rx ack is enable or not. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_TxNoAckEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable or disable tx no ack if function enabled and tx works in enhance mode,then rx ack is no needed
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t PRI_RF_IsTxNoAckEn (PRI_RF_T *rf)
 This function used to adjuest tx no ack is enable or not. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_TrxFuncSel (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable tx or rx function. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t PRI_RF_IsRxSel (PRI_RF_T *rf)
 This function used to adjust rx function is enable or not. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_ClearAllIrqEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to enable or disable all interrupt clear function. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_IntMask (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint32_t msk, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to set interrupt mask. More...
__STATIC_INLINE bool PRI_RF_IntFlag (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint32_t msk)
 This function used to read interrupt flag. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_ForceExitRx (PRI_RF_T *rf, FunctionalState NewState)
 This function used to force exit rx mode. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void PRI_RF_SetTrxTransWaitTime (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint16_t time)
 This function used to set tx& rx transmit wait time. More...
void ana_prf_ldo_en (void)
 This function used to enable private radio ldo. More...
void ana_prf_ldo_dis (void)
 This function used to disable private radio ldo. More...
void PRI_RF_SetTrxPayloadLen (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint8_t mode, uint8_t len)
 This function used to set private rf payload lenth. More...
bool PRI_RF_SetAddrByteLen (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint8_t len)
 This function used to set private rf address byte lenth. More...
void PRI_RF_SetPidManualEn (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint8_t pid)
 This function used to set pid manual. More...
void PRI_RF_SetRxWaitTime (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint16_t time)
 This function used to set rx wait time. More...
void PRI_RF_SetTrxAddr (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint8_t mode, uint32_t *addr)
 This function used to set private rf tx or rx address. More...
void PRI_RF_SetTrxRamStartAddr (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint8_t mode, uint32_t addr)
 This function used to set private rf tx or rx ram start address. More...
bool PRI_RF_IsTrxRamReady (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint8_t mode)
 This function used to adjust private rf tx or rx ram state is ready or not. More...
void PRI_RF_SetTrxRamReady (PRI_RF_T *rf, uint8_t mode, uint8_t ready)
 This function used to set private rf ram ready state. More...

Detailed Description

Panchip series pri_rf driver header file.

21/11/19 18:33