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Driver: SPI Master

1 功能概述


2 环境要求

  • PAN1080 EVB一块

  • Micro USB线一条(用于供电和查看串口打印Log)

  • 硬件接线:

    • 使用USB线,将PC USB与EVB MicroUSB(USB->UART)相连

    • 使用杜邦线跳线帽将EVB上的:

      • UART1 TX与P06相连

      • UART1 RX与P07相连

  • PC软件: 串口调试助手(UartAssist)或终端工具(SecureCRT),波特率921600

3 编译和烧录


目前可使用ZAL工具或quick build脚本进行编译和下载。



Input the keyword to continue:
  'b' build                         编译项目
  'r' make clean and rebuild        重新编译项目
  'f' flash download                下载
  'e' erase chip                    擦除芯片
  'o' open project by VS Code       打开 `VS Code`,可查看源码,执行编译下载等
  others exit                       退出
wait input:

4 演示说明

  • 连接SPI引脚到SRAM模块(开发板上进行跳线)。












  • Sample执行流程:

    ​ 1.写一字节数据【0xAE】到0x00地址

    ​ 2.从0x00地址读一字节数据

    ​ 3.写32字节数据到0x0004地址

    ​ 4.从0x0004地址读32字节数据并和写入数据进行比较,验证读取是否成功

  • 程序正确执行时,日志界面如下(日志中包含Read字样的行表示从Slave读取到的数据):


    SPI Master 例程Log

5 开发说明

5.1 启用SPI模块

​ 在prj.conf文件中添加“CONFIG_SPI=y”启用SPI模块。


5.2 初始化SPI

const struct device *spi = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_NODELABEL(spi0));
if (!device_is_ready(spi)) {
    printk("SPI device %s is not ready\n", spi->name);

5.3 SPI配置

​ 可根据实际情况配置即可,需要注意的是参数frequency指的是时钟的分频系数,并非实际的时钟数。例如当前系统外设时钟为16MHz,frequency配置为4,则SPI的时钟速率为16/4=4MHz。

5.4 写操作

​ 实现向slave写数据

struct spi_buf bufs[] = {
        .buf = data,
        .len = len
struct spi_buf_set tx = {
    .buffers = bufs,
    .count = 1

 * @brief Write the specified amount of data from the SPI driver.
 * @note This function is synchronous.
 * @note This function is an helper function calling spi_transceive.
 * @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance
 * @param config Pointer to a valid spi_config structure instance.
 *        Pointer-comparison may be used to detect changes from
 *        previous operations.
 * @param tx_bufs Buffer array where data to be sent originates from.
 * @retval 0 If successful.
 * @retval -errno Negative errno code on failure.
spi_write(spi, spi_cfg, &tx);

5.5 读操作

​ 实现从slave读取数据

struct spi_buf bufs[] = {
        .buf = data,
        .len = len
struct spi_buf_set rx = {
    .buffers = bufs,
    .count = 1

 * @brief Read the specified amount of data from the SPI driver.
 * @note This function is synchronous.
 * @note This function is an helper function calling spi_transceive.
 * @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance
 * @param config Pointer to a valid spi_config structure instance.
 *        Pointer-comparison may be used to detect changes from
 *        previous operations.
 * @param rx_bufs Buffer array where data to be read will be written to.
 * @retval 0 If successful.
 * @retval -errno Negative errno code on failure.
spi_read(spi, spi_cfg, &rx);

5.6 读写操作

​ 实现向slave发送数据的同时接收来自slave的数据

struct spi_buf bufs_tx[] = {
				.buf = data,
				.len = len

struct spi_buf bufs_rx[] = {
				.buf = data,
				.len = len

struct spi_buf_set tx = {
		.buffers = bufs_tx,
		.count = 1

struct spi_buf_set rx = {
		.buffers = bufs_rx,
		.count = 1

 * @brief Read/write the specified amount of data from the SPI driver.
 * @note This function is synchronous.
 * @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance
 * @param config Pointer to a valid spi_config structure instance.
 *        Pointer-comparison may be used to detect changes from
 *        previous operations.
 * @param tx_bufs Buffer array where data to be sent originates from,
 *        or NULL if none.
 * @param rx_bufs Buffer array where data to be read will be written to,
 *        or NULL if none.
 * @retval frames Positive number of frames received in slave mode.
 * @retval 0 If successful in master mode.
 * @retval -errno Negative errno code on failure.
spi_transceive(spi, spi_cfg, &tx, &rx);